Saturday, May 28, 2011

A Global Issue: An Introduction to Estuary Loss

Estuary loss is a major problem in coastal areas throughout the world. Estuaries in California, New York, New Jersey, Maryland, North Carolina, Florida, the UK, South America, Africa, Asia, and Australia are disappearing. Estuaries are bodies of water where freshwater from rivers or streams meets the ocean, causing brackish water. They are protected from wind and waves by the land surrounding them. These water forms are vital ecosystems that house countless species of birds, mammals, fish, shellfish, and plants. They are also important to humans; they protect land from flooding and filter out pollutants in water. The grasses and trees help prevent soil erosion. People use estuaries for boating, fishing, swimming, and other recreation. Estuaries provide a nursery for two-thirds of the commercial fish and shellfish in the US. They are critical to our fishing economy. Humans are the main cause of estuary loss.

Causes of estuary loss:
  1. Population growth in coastal watersheds
  2. dredging, draining, bulldozing, paving
  3. polluted runoff from rural, suburban, and urban areas
  4. dams
  5. sewage discharges
  6. coastal land loss and subsidence
  7. lack of understanding and resulting apathy
  8. invasive species

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